24 April 2013

I found quite an interesting article about cosmetic procedures. I'm not really against it but I'm surprised and frankly even shocked by how she talked about the whole procedure, like it's a trivial thing, something to be done between having a lunch and going back to work.
What do you think, would you ever consider having something like that done to you? There is also a short video for those of you who are not squeamish.


23 April 2013

FAKE ARTICLE: The Former Governor of Alaska Calls for Invasion of Czech Republic

Yesterday, I came across an article posted by The Daily Currant which described an interview for Fox News, where Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, spoke openly about how the US should invade Czech Republic, which is, according to her, a Muslim country and also a part of Russia.

She was repeatedly corrected by the hosts of the show:

"Yes there were Muslim and they were ethnic Chechens," Doocy started, "but they grew up mostly in Kyrgyzstan and the United States. And more importantly, Chechens don't come from the Czech Republic, they come from Chechnya, which is part of Russia. "

...but she kept on going...

"What's the difference?" Palin responded. "Isn't Russia part of the Czech Republic?"

... But then I realized it is FAKE! But I believed it for a while, and I was not alone because a lot of people shared it on Facebook etc. Well who can blame us, due to the events of the past few days, right? It was pretty believable :)

You can find the whole article here. What do you think about the Daily Currant? Their articles are pretty inventive... :)