29 April 2013

Big Brother, crime fighter

CCTV surveillance in the US is on the rise, as BBC News report. The attitude of Americans towards security systems has been slowly changing because of undeniable importance of security cameras in the fight against crime, especially taking into consideration the recent events in Boston.

CCTV systems are typical of the UK, where there is reportedly one CCTV for every 32 people. In London, the average person is caught on one of these cameras 300 times a day! This is why the opponents of CCTV claim that such measures violate the privacy of people, and thus deprive them of their civil liberties.

What do you think about these security systems? Would you agree to be "constantly" watched  if it helped to lower the crime rate or would you consider it to be a big intervention in your privacy? 


  1. An interesting point... The idea of 300 shots of me every day quite scares me, I would feel like losing my privacy. On the other hand, people are eventually getting used to make their lives "public" via all the social networks nowadays and it isn't easy to get particular information about anyone if you really want. So it's question whether the cameras really mind. Maybe we are made public enough even without them.

  2. I meant "it IS easy to get particular piece of information about anyone if you really want", of course :)
